Kevin Comics

Hello, Knucklehead!

Hope you're well. Me? I'm hanging in there. With my new job, I'm still finding it hard to make time for new comics. So my latest plan is to go back and make bonus panels for some of the more popular comics from my archive. It's less time-intensive while still scratching a similar itch.

This month, I revisited that old chestnut The Secret of My Success. Here's the original comic:
The Secret of My Success
And here's the BRAND-NEW bonus panel:
The Secret of My Success
(In case you don't get it: it's a reference to this scene from The Avengers.)


If you want a sneak peek at some other things I've been working on this month, join me over on Patreon. $2 gets you an exclusive look at my upcoming children's book, plus a character redesign I've been noodling with. AND you'll get early access to all my new comics and more. What a deal!
Well that's it for this time. If you missed any past editions, check out the archive. And as always, I love your feedback. So if you have any, just reply to this message.

Have a rich and full-flavored week, Knucklehead.
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