Kevin Comics

Hello, Knucklehead!

Hope you've been well. I'm back from my vacation in the French countryside. I spent two weeks drinking wine, eating late, and being mostly offline. It was great. One reader emailed me, worried because I hadn't posted in a few weeks. Not gonna lie: their concern warmed my heart. But I'm back now — with a new, vacation-themed comic for you:


Catching Up

Catching Up
And here's some bonus panels:
I know this comic won't age well. Elon will undoubtedly make some even dumber decisions in the very near future. That said, I am on Bluesky. And I currently have 3 invite codes. Respond to this message if you want one. First come, first served.


Kevin Aymeric

Kevin Aymeric is a production designer and art director who has worked on Arcane and Spider-Verse. So that should tell you all you need to know. Aymeric's work is somehow both chaotic and focused at the same time. I just started following them, and I still haven't seen Spider-Verse. So I'm looking forward to seeing more of both.



"Beef Barn" • The Roadents • Ep 06

OK here's the next episode of The Roadents. If memory serves me correctly, this episode was completely improvised by me and my co-star, David Harris. We recorded the show standing next to each other in a tiny sound booth. So when Buttercup gets in Pee-Pee's face, David was literally in mine. Fun times.
Well that's it for this time. If you missed any past editions, check out the archive. And as always, I love your feedback. So if you have any, please reply to this message or hit me up on Twitter or Instagram.

Have a rich and full-flavored week, Knucklehead.
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