Kevin Comics

Hello, Knucklehead!

Hope you had a terrific week. Thanks for sticking around after last week's decidedly PG-13 comic. Only one person unsubscribed because of it. No, it wasn't my Mom. She's seen way worse from me. Trust me. Anyway. Let's get into it:


Stop Asking

Stop Asking
And of course there's a bonus panel:
Couple of Easter eggs for you in this one. First, you may recognize the guy in the hat as the same guy from my wearing shorts outdoors strip. Second, you may recognize the lamp on the desk as the one I keep trying to sell on Craigslist. Someone please come get it.


Floor de Goede

A comic by Flo de Geode
Floor de Goede is a comic artist and children’s book illustrator from Amsterdam. He posts autobio comics on Instagram and has collected them into a book called Dancing on a Volcano. His style is so simple and appealing, I'm sure it will start influencing my work soon enough. Oh, and his Inktober pieces are so incredibly imaginative. Here's a example. Here's another.

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Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Animaniacs From Memory • Draw-Off

Draw-Off Animaniacs
OK so I forgot to update the link in last week's newsletter. So we're doing it again. The link above should work. Sorry about that.

From last week:

In my opinion, this is one of the most slept-on episodes of Draw-Off. Towards the end of our run, we experimented with switching up the classic one-on-one format. Draw-Off Voice had three artists at the same time. This episode had five – all drawing on the same canvas using Magma Studio. It was delightful chaos.

And the topper: we got the original voice cast to judge our drawings. Talk about every GenX kid's dream come true.
Well that's it for this time. If you missed any past editions, check out the archive. And as always, I love your feedback. So if you have any, please reply to this message or hit me up on Twitter or Instagram.

Have a rich and full-flavored week, Knucklehead.
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