Kevin Comics

Hello, Knucklehead!

Just a comic this week. This one's longer than usual. And of a different tone than usual. You'll see:


Late Night Worries

Late Night Worries
Late Night Worries
Three years ago, I added this bird character to my comics as a way to cope with my pandemic anxiety. Now, our avian friends find themselves in a similar situation. But with a much higher toll. It got me thinking back to those early, uncertain days of COVID. This little bird helped me make it through. I figured I should return the favor.

This strip was inspired by the occasional emotional strips from Calvin and Hobbes (like the raccoon storyline and the dead bird strip). 40 years later, those are the strips that stick with me the most.

That said, I'm really nervous about posting this one publicly. Especially after last week's comic broke out on several platforms. Heck — you may have even signed up for this newsletter because of it. Now I'm posting this somber stuff with no punchline. WTF, right? Pick a lane, McShane. Let's hope Reddit is kind…

Anyway. Back to our regularly-scheduled foolishness in the next edition. Promise.
Well that's it for this time. As always, I love your feedback. So if you have any, please reply to this message or hit me up on Twitter or Instagram.

Have a rich and full-flavored week, Knucklehead.
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