Kevin Comics

Hello, Knucklehead!

Hope you had a good week. The theme of this week's newsletter is "Everything Old Is New Again." We've got the return of a beloved(?) character, plus the return of a certain beloved video series (not the one you're probably thinking of, though). Let's get to it…


Selling Stuff on Craigslist - Part IV

Selling Stuff On Craigslist - Part 4
Craigslist Guy is back. I've decided his name is Craig Slist (get it? I'm clever). Here are Parts 1 through 3 btw. It's been a while since we've seen him. If he's back, that means I've been trying to sell stuff online again. This week, I sold my old desktop computer on eBay. Shipping it was a journey. But whatever. I'm sure you've had similar experiences. We all have.


Meg Adams

Meg Adams is a comic artist and author based in Bend, OR. Her comics do a terrific job of threading the needle between the ridiculous (above) and the emotional (like this one). Her first book "Why Are You Like This" is out now.

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The $100 Perfect Circle Challenge

The $100 Perfect Circle Challenge
Around the time I started making Draw-Off, I also made three pilots of a different series I called Dumb Little Challenges. In it, I would challenge my co-workers to a series of… well… dumb little challenges for small sums of money. The video above was the first. You can see the other two here. They were super-fun to make. But they took a back seat once Draw-Off blew up.

Well, after three years, I'm happy to announce that we're bringing these challenges back. This time for a TikTok channel we're calling The Blammo Network. Me and my funny friends will be hosting all-new dumb little challenges LIVE every Thursday at 4pm EST / 1pm PST. Join us!
Well that's it for this time. As always, I love your feedback. So if you have any, please reply to this message or hit me up on Twitter or Instagram.

Have a rich and full-flavored week, Knucklehead.
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