Close up on Kevin’s hand, holding his phone. On the screen, a FaceTime call with his Mother. Her camera looks up her nose in a very unflattering angle.
…And have you heard about this black hole? It’s 4 million times larger than our sun! It’s going to swallow us up!
Panel 2 : Int. Dining Room – Continuous
Kevin sits at a table, holding up his phone. His bird pearches on his shoulder. A bowl of fruit on the table nearby. Kevin smiles.
Oh, Mom! I don’t think we have to worry about that for a long time.
If you say so…
Panel 3 : Int. Dining Room – Continous
Kevin waves goodbye.
O.K. Gotta go. Love you.
Love you too.
Panel 4 : Int. Dining Room – Continous
Kevin and his bird panic, knocking over the bowl of fruit.
What the hell are we gonna do about this black hole?!?
A large pie chart, divided up into three slices. Two of them, very slim (about 5% each), are labeled “Eating” and “Cuddling.” A third, overwhelmingly large slice (about 90%), is labeled “Holding Up Your Phone & Saying ‘Look At This’.”