Comics Tagged : sunscreen
The Face of a Real Man

Strip Info
- Title
- The Face of a Real Man
- Date
- April 16, 2023
- Tags
- gross up, gruff fellow, Kevin, masculinity, moisturizer, self care, skincare, sunscreen, toxic masculinity
- Panel 1 : Int. Void – Day
Close on Kevin’s hands, shaking a bit of moisturizer from a pink bottle into his palm. A few feet away, a gruff-looking fellow puts up his hand in protest.
- Gruff-Looking Fellow
- Moisturizer? With sunscreen? -pfft- I don’t use any of that girlie stuff.
- Panel 2 : Int. Void – Continuous
The gruff-looking fellow gets in Kevin’s face, pointing at his own. Kevin recoils.
- Gruff-Looking Fellow
- This here’s the face of a real man!
- Panel 3 : Int. Void – Continuous
Extreme close-up on the fellow’s scowling face. It’s burnt, cracked, pock-marked, and craggy. It’s… not pleasant.
- Panel 4 : Int. Void – Continuous
Kevin winces.
- Kevin
- Real men have skin cancer?
- Gruff-Looking Fellow
- You mean my face rubble?
A Very Specific Task

Strip Info
- Title
- A Very Specific Task
- Date
- June 19, 2022
- Tags
- beach, cauliflower, Dani, fences, gross, ham, Kevin, paint, pale, Ranch dressing, sunscreen, vacation, white people, yogurt
- Panel 1 : Int. Room – Day
Dani stands smiling, holding a bowl of ranch dressing in one hand and a full head of cauliflower in the other. She’s just dipped the cauliflower in the ranch.
- Caption
- Dipping a head of cauliflower in ranch dressing
- Panel 2 : Ext. Yard – Later
Wearing overalls, Dani stands in front of a tall white picket fence. She holds a brush of white paint. A bucket sits on a stepladder nearby. Dani shrugs.
- Caption
- Painting a white fence white
- Panel 3 : Int. Kitchen – Later
Dani stands at a kitchen table. On the table is an open container of plain yogurt. Next to it is large uncooked ham. Dani massages the yogurt into the skin of the uncooked ham. She looks disgusted.
- Caption
- Massaging yogurt into an uncooked ham
- Panel 4 : Ext. Beach – Later
Dani on the beach, equally disgusted look on her face. But now, she’s applying sunscreen to Kevin’s back.
- Dani
- You’re right – nothing could’ve prepared me for this.
- Kevin
- Sorry.